The Parable of the Lost Sheep - Matthew 18:12-14 - Parables of Jesus Bible Study
This parable is about the value God places on each of us as individuals. He doesn’t just throw us away or view us as too far gone or unworthy of being pursued when we lose our way.
Spurgeon teaches us about the temptation this parable brings. The first is to despise the sheep because it's only one of them. Even though God has created so many lives there is not one single one that He is careless about.
The second temptation is to despise the sheep because it's so small. In a vast universe, it’s easy to feel like we don’t matter because of our physical size but God made people in His image. We may be small compared to other things but we carry the most value.
The third temptation and most tempting of all is to despise the sheep because it has gone astray. Someone gone astray has betrayed God and thrown Him away. It’s easy to say “well they did that to themselves” or “it’s their own fault.” But God doesn’t just resign us to this broken world. He pursues us and rejoices when we come back to Him! He doesn’t this even when we least deserve it. His grace knows no bounds. His grace is lavish, abundant and given out with reckless abandon. It’s one of the most beautiful things about Him!
Jesus is also teaching us with this parable that we must love our fellow Christians in this same way. Charles Spurgeon once said, “Oh, how we ought to love sinners, since Jesus loved us, and died for us while we were yet sinners! We must care for drunkards while they still pass round the cup; swearers even while we hear them swear…We must not wait till we see some better thing in them but feel an intense interest for them as what they are — straying and lost.”
This passage from Matthew 18:12-14 is such a beautiful reminder of God’s love and care for each of us. It shows how precious every individual is to Him. Just as a shepherd rejoices over finding a lost sheep, God rejoices over each person who returns to Him.
God's love is individual, patient, seeking, rejoicing and protecting. I am glad He loves me that way so let's find it in our hearts to love others that way as well. Besides, you can catch more flies with honey, and we are always trying to catch people for Jesus.
Father, may we remember as we seek to save the lost and as we often become lost ourselves, that your open arms are waiting for each of us. May we rejoice in your love for us as individuals and participate in showing others this same love and care that you have shown us.
What are some ways you have strayed in your Christian Walk? How did you find your way back to the Lord?
What are some things that you see Christians do that you may be subconsciously writing them off for? How can this parable help you to overcome that temptation?
Is there someone who needs to be shown your love today? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal that person to you, then pray for them and reach out to them.
-Amy Adams of Kingdom Threads by Amy
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