Psalm 119:43 - The Belt of Truth Verse 3 - Armor of God Bible Study Series
Let's continue our Armor of God Series by talking about another verse concerning the Belt of Truth. Psalm 119:43 says, "And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in your rules." Let's talk about it.
This verse is a plea to God, asking for the continual ability to speak His truth, grounded in the hope found in His laws and guidance. It reflects deep commitment to living by God's word and relying on it as a source of strength and hope.
The bible is the absolute and ultimate authority in our lives. Measure anything you learn by the Word of God. If scripture doesn't confirm it, it's not true.
Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." It's so important to spend time in the Word every single day because it is our path to life. It's the guidebook, the instruction book of life.
We should live this truth, and we should speak this truth. It is our source of strength and hope in a world that is constantly trying to pull us away from God. When the world and our flesh is pulling us one way, we can consult the Word of God to know the truth and it will lead us to Him!
Lord, thank you for your Word. May we live by it, making it the authority of our lives. May we measure everything by it to live in truth. Amen.
-Amy Adams of Kingdom Threads by Amy
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